Scientific Alumni Association

Scientific Alumni Association

Dear colleagues,
The "University of Piraeus Alumni Association" (Uni.Pi. Alumni Association) was founded in 2017, based in the city of Piraeus, with the main objective of maintaining and strengthening the ties of our alumni, as well as promoting its values - as they were condensed in the founding visions of meritocracy, equal opportunities and multidisciplinary development of personality - at the academic and social level.
These axes are reflected in the officially registered Statutes of the Association, which define its purposes:

  • The cultivation of the permanent and continuous contact of its members with the academic world and especially with the University of Piraeus.
  • The continuous updating of its members on the developments in the field of Sciences relevant to the departments of the University of Piraeus.
  • The monitoring of scientific research and generally of the activities of the University of Piraeus, its Departments, undergraduate and postgraduate, the development of any possible cooperation with them and the contribution to the development of the sciences cultivated in the University of Piraeus.
  • The promotion and dissemination of the reputation of the University of Piraeus and its Departments, at the undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral or postdoctoral level, as well as its connection with the labour market.
  • The provision of scholarships, awards or other forms of distinctions and assistance to undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and postdoctoral students of the University of Piraeus.
  • Facilitate effective communication and cooperation among the members of the Association and develop a network of cooperation among them, in order to keep its members informed and in touch with current economic and social problems, trends and proposed solutions.
  • The development of communication between the members of the Association and the world of economy, private and public institutions and organisations, at national and international levels.
  • The general promotion of its members in the professional and social sectors.
  • The organisation of events related to the objectives of the Association.
  • The development of research and educational activities.
  • Meaningful contact, contribution and reinforcement of actions with the local community.

Serving the above objectives will contribute substantially to the upgrading of our university and the creation of a more favourable and better socio-economic environment for us and our society in general. We invite all alumni without exception to join our Scientific Association. You can contact us at

Board of Directors of the Scientific Union
University of Piraeus Alumni Association