Tselekounis Markos
21 February 2024 2025-02-05 14:33
Tselekounis Markos
Associate Professor, Department of Economics
Teaching Field
Markos Tselekounis is Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Piraeus. He holds a Ph.D. in Regulatory Economics and a Master degree in Telecommunications Economics, both from the University of Athens. He received his B.Sc. degree in Economics from the University of Piraeus.
Before joining University of Piraeus, he was an adjunct lecturer at the University of Athens and a postdoctoral research fellow at the NOVA University of Lisbon. His postdoctoral research was financed by the Portuguese national funding agency (FCT), whereas his doctoral research was co-financed by the European Union and Greek national funds.
His main research interests are in industrial economics, microeconomic theory, network economics, telecommunications policy and sustainable development. His research has appeared in many distinguished scientific international journals such as International Journal of Industrial Organization, Review of Industrial Organization and Journal of Regulatory Economics. He regularly attends international conferences and workshops in the field of industrial organization and sustainable development. He has been participating in several European and National projects in the area of network economics and regulation, whereas he serves as the Scientific Director of the RARE project, the aim of which is to promote road safety at international level.
Markos is also a member of the Adjunct Academic Staff of the Hellenic Open University and a Research Collaborator of the Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Economics (CEFAGE) of the University of Évora (Portugal).
- Microeconomic Theory (Dept. of Statistics & Insurance Science) | 3rd semester (elective)
- Introduction to Microeconomics ΙΙ (Dept. of Economics) | 2nd semester (compulsory)
- Microeconomics ΙΙ (Dept. of Economics) | 4th semester (compulsory)
- Telecommunication & Network Economics (Dept. of Economics) | 4th semester (elective)
- Bioeconomy, Circular Economy & Sustainable Develpoment (University of Piraeus)
Institutional Framework and International Strategies of Sustainable Development (University of Piraeus)
- Entrepreneurship in Education (University of Piraeus)
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Healthcare (University of Piraeus)
- Economics of Telecommunication Markets (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens)
- Brito, D., & Tselekounis, M. (2024). Make-or-buy decisions in vertically differentiated input markets. Managerial And Decision Economics.
- Tselekounis, M. (2022). Input price discrimination under passive partial cross ownership. Applied Economics Letters, 30(10), 1363-1368.
- Polemis, M.L., & Tselekounis, M. (2022). Upstream regulation and non-separable innovation. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 49, 301–312.
- Polemis, M.L., & Tselekounis, M. (2021). Threshold effects in the regulation-innovation nexus: evidence from the telecommunications industry. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 60, 74–93.
- Ioannou, N., Logothetis, V., Petre, K., Tselekounis, M., Chipouras, A., Katsianis, D., & Varoutas, D. (2021). Network modeling approaches for calculating wholesale NGA prices: A full comparison based on the Greek fixed broadband market. Telecommunications Policy, 45(9), Article 102184.
- Brito, D., Tselekounis, M., & Vasconcelos, H. (2019). Input price discrimination in the presence of downstream vertical differentiation. Economics Letters, 184, Article 108622.
- Calzada, J., & Tselekounis, M. (2018). Net Neutrality in a hyperlinked Internet economy. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 59, 190-221.
- Brito, D., & Tselekounis, M. (2017). On the impact of input prices on an entrant’s profit under multi-product competition. Review of Industrial Organization, 50(1), 105-125.
- Brito, D., & Tselekounis, M. (2016). Access regulation and the entrant’s mode of entry under multi-product competition in telecoms. Information Economics and Policy, 37, 20-33.
- Tselekounis, M., Varoutas, D., & Martakos, D. (2014). A CDS approach to induce facilities-based competition over NGA networks. Telecommunications Policy, 38(3), 311–331.
- Tselekounis, M., & Varoutas, D. (2013). Investments in next generation access infrastructures under regulatory uncertainty. Telecommunications Policy, 37(10), 879-892.
- Tselekounis, M., Varoutas, D., & Martakos, D. (2012). On the social optimality of make-or-buy decisions. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 41(2), 238–268.
- Katsianis, D., Rokkas, T., Neokosmidis, I., Tselekounis, M., Varoutas, D., Zacharopoulos, I., & Bartzoudi, A. (2012). Risks associated with next generation access networks investment scenarios. IEEE Network, 26(4), 11–17.
- Karkalakos, S., & Tselekounis, M. (2023). “Road safety and sustainability performance: A cross-country analysis”, 4th International Conference on Environmental Design (ICED), October 2023, Athens, Greece.
- Kakaletris, G., Karkalakos, S., & Tselekounis, M. (2023). “Road safety: Assessing the effect of passive driving behavior”, 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR), September 2023, Heraklion, Greece.
- Xesfingi, S., Karkalakos, S., & Tselekounis, M. (2023). “Mobility as a Service for insurance companies”, 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR), September 2023, Heraklion, Greece.
- Fotis, P., & Tselekounis, M. (2023). “Colluding or settling? The role of unilateral overlapping ownership”, 21st Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics (CRETE), July 2023, Naxos, Greece.
- Polychronopoulos, G., & Tselekounis, M. (2023). “ESG performance and firm value: A cross-sectoral analysis”. Athenian Policy Forum International Conference (APF), June 2023, Athens, Greece.
- Fotis, P., & Tselekounis, M. (2022). “On the effectiveness of Settlement Procedure in the presence of partial ownerships”, 16th International Conference on Competition and Regulation (CRESSE), July 2022, Heraklion, Greece.
- Fotis, P., & Tselekounis, M. (2022). “On the effectiveness of Settlement Procedure in the presence of partial ownerships”, 20th Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics (CRETE), July 2022, Tinos, Greece.
- Kyriakou, K., & Tselekounis, M. (2021). “Colonization and sustainability ranking: A cross country analysis”, 2nd International Conference on Environmental Design (ICED), October 2021, Athens, Greece.
- Ioannou, N., Logothetis, V., Konstantin, P., Tselekounis, M., Katsianis, D., & Varoutas, D. (2020). “Network modelling approaches for calculating wholesale NGA prices: A full comparison based on the Greek fixed broadband market”, 23rd Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS), June 2020, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Polemis, M., & Tselekounis, M. (2019). “To “reguvate” or to “dennovate”? Theory and evidence from Telecommunications industry”, 46th European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) Conference, 30 August-1 September 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
- Polemis, M., & Tselekounis, M. (2019). “Does deregulation drive innovation intensity? Lessons learned from the OECD telecommunications sector”, 18th Conference on Research on Economic Theory and Econometrics (CRETE), July 2019, Tinos, Greece.
- Logothetis, V., Ioannou, N., Tselekounis, M., Katsianis, D., Chipouras, A., & Varoutas, D. (2019). “Ex post regulation of NGA networks: A roadmap for calculating the cost of an efficient operator – The case of Greece”, 30th European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS), June 2019, Helsinki, Finland.
- Logothetis, V., Tselekounis, M., & Varoutas, D. (2017). “Understanding the impact of costly search on market equilibria: A comprehensive review”, 13th Conference of Telecommunication, Media and Internet Techno-Economics (CTTE), November 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Calzada, J., & Tselekounis, M. (2016). “Net Neutrality in a hyperlinked Internet economy”, 35th Annual Eastern Conference of Center for Research in Regulated Industries (CRRI), May 2016, Pennsylvania, US.
- Brito, D., & Tselekounis, M. (2015). “Make-or-buy investment decisions in copper and fiber access markets”, 10th International Conference on Competition and Regulation (CRESSE), July 2015, Rethymnon, Greece.
- Tselekounis, M., Orfanou, G., & Varoutas, D. (2014). “Coexistence of copper and fiber unbundling: Access charges and investment incentives”, 25th European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS), June 2014, Brussels, Belgium.
- Tselekounis, M., Xylogianni, E., Varoutas, D., & Martakos, D. (2013). “Geographically differentiated NGA deployment”, 24th European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS), October 2013, Florence, Italy.
- Tselekounis, M., Maniadakis, D., & Varoutas, D. (2013). “NGA investment incentives under geographic price discrimination”, 40th EARIE Conference, 30 August-1 September 2013, Évora, Portugal.
- Tselekounis, M., Maniadakis, D., & Varoutas, D. (2012). “NGA Investments: A departure from the existing cost and demand structure assumptions”, 19th Biennial Conference of International Telecommunications Society (ITS), November 2012, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Tselekounis, M., & Varoutas, D. (2012). “Modeling the regulatory uncertainty of NGA investments under cost-based access rules”, 7th International Conference on Competition and Regulation (CRESSE), July 2012, Chania, Greece.
- Tselekounis, M., & Varoutas, D. (2012). “Two-way interconnection, competition and investment incentives: A survey of the economic literature”, 11th Conference of Telecommunication, Media and Internet Techno-Economics (CTTE), June 2012, Athens, Greece.
- Tselekounis, M., Varoutas, D., & Martakos, D. (2011). “Flexibility or certainty? A regulatory dilemma”, 4th Annual Conference of Competition and Regulation in Network Industries (CRNI), November 2011, Brussels, Belgium.
- Tselekounis, M., Varoutas, D., & Martakos, D. (2010). “On the irrelevance of input prices from a regulatory perspective”, 5th International Conference on Competition and Regulation (CRESSE), July 2010, Chania, Greece.
- Tselekounis, M., Varoutas, D., & Martakos, D. (2009). “Access pricing under Stackelberg competition: Results interpretation and regulatory implications”, 8th Conference of Telecommunication, Media and Internet Techno-Economics (CTTE), June 2009, Stockholm, Sweden.
Office Hours
Fall semester 2024-2025
Wednesday, 12:00-14:00
Spring semester 2024-2025
Wednesday, 12:00-14:00
NOTE: During the exam periods, there are no office hours.