Ilias Maglogiannis
31 January 2024 2024-01-31 23:27Ilias Maglogiannis
Ilias Maglogiannis

Fullname: Ilias Maglogiannis
Title: Professor
Department: Digital Systems
Office: 503 (Gr. Lambraki 126)
Dr. Ilias G. MAGLOGIANNIS is the Dean of School of Information and Communication Technologies ( and Director of the Computational Biomedicine Laboratory in the Dept of Digital Systems in the University of Piraeus ( He received a Diploma in Electrical & Computer Engineering and a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) Greece in 1996 and 2000 respectively, with scholarship from the Greek Government. From 1996 until 2000 he worked as a Researcher in the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory in NTUA ( From February of 2001 until June 2008 he was with the Dept of Information and Communication Systems Engineering in University of the Aegean (, from 2008 until 2013 he was Assistant Professor in the Dept of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics in the University of Thessaly ( and in the beginning of 2013 he joined the Dept. of Digital Systems in the University of Piraeus. He has been principal investigator in many European (i.e. Horizon Europe: ΑΙ4WORK, MELIORA, H2020: PolicyCloud, CROWDHEALTH, UNCAP, AGILE, FP7: e-LICO, INHOME, FP6: UNITE, NOMAD, TELEMED, FP5: MOMEDA, INTRACLINIC) and National Research programs, while he has also served as external evaluator in R&D projects for the EU, the Botnar Research Center, the Government of Hong Kong, the Republic of Portugal, Czech, Cyprus and Greece. His scientific interests include Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical Informatics, Image processing and Computer Vision, Multimedia and Video processing, Mobile and Pervasive Healthcare Systems, Ambient Assisted Living. His published scientific work includes three (3) books (Springer, IOS press and Morgan Claypool Publishers), 160 journal papers and more than 250 international conference papers. Dr. Maglogiannis has received more than 9000 citations on his published work (h-index=44). He served as Associate Editor for the Journals IEEE Biomedical Health Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare and he is editorial board member of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing published by Springer, Journal of Healthcare Engineering and Scientific World Journal published by Hindawi and Intelligent Decision Technologies published by IOS Press. Dr. Maglogiannis is a Fellow Member of EAMBES, Senior member of IEEE – Societies: Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Computer, Communications, SPIE – International Society for Optical Engineering, ACM, the Technical Chamber of Greece, the Greek Computer Society and the Hellenic Society of Bioinformatics. He has served as and General Secretary and Vice- President of the Hellenic Association of Biomedical Engineering (2015-2019), Vice-President of the Hellenic Association of Computer Engineers (2018-2021) and Vice-Chair of IEEE EMBS Greek Chapter (2020-2023). Dr. Maglogiannis is also since 2014 national representative for Greece in the IFIP technical committee TC 12 and president of IFIP Working Group WG12.5 (AI Applications).
Pattern Recognition — 7th semester
Multimedia Communications — 6th semester
Telemedicine — 8th semester
Digital Image Processing — 5th semester
Publications 2014 – 2022
- Amerikanos, P., Maglogiannis, I. Image Analysis in Digital Pathology Utilizing Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks (2022) Journal of Personalized Medicine, 12 (9), art. no. 1444, .
Menychtas, A., Galliakis, M., Pardos, A., Panagopoulos, C., Karpouzis, K., Maglogiannis, I. Gameful Design of an Application for Patients in Rehabilitation (2022) Frontiers in Computer Science, 4, art. no. 822167, . - Koulouris, D., Menychtas, A., Maglogiannis, I. An IoT-Enabled Platform for the Assessment of Physical and Mental Activities Utilizing Augmented Reality Exergaming (2022) Sensors, 22 (9), art. no. 3181, .
- Iakovidis, D.K., Ooi, M., Kuang, Y.C., Demidenko, S., Shestakov, A., Sinitsin, V., Henry, M., Sciacchitano, A., Discetti, S., Donati, S., Norgia, M., Menychtas, A., Maglogiannis, I., Wriessnegger, S.C., Chacon, L.A.B., Dimas, G., Filos, D., Aletras, A.H., Töger, J., Dong, F., Ren, S., Uhl, A., Paziewski, J., Geng, J., Fioranelli, F., Narayanan, R.M., Fernandez, C., Stiller, C., Malamousi, K., Kamnis, S., Delibasis, K., Wang, D., Zhang, J., Gao, R.X. Roadmap on signal processing for next generation measurement systems (2022) Measurement Science and Technology, 33 (1), art. no. 012002, .
Pardos, A., Menychtas, A., Maglogiannis, I. On unifying deep learning and edge computing for human motion analysis in exergames development (2022) Neural Computing and Applications, 34 (2), pp. 951-967. - Kallipolitis, A., Revelos, K., Maglogiannis, I. Ensembling efficientnets for the classification and interpretation of histopathology images (2021) Algorithms, 14 (10), art. no. 278, .
- Mavrogiannis, P., Maglogiannis, I. Amateur football analytics using computer vision (2022) Neural Computing and Applications, 34 (22), pp. 19639-19654.
- Zlatintsi, A., Filntisis, P.P., Garoufis, C., Efthymiou, N., Maragos, P., Menychtas, A., Maglogiannis, I., Tsanakas, P., Sounapoglou,T. , Kalisperakis, E., Karantinos, T., Lazaridi, M., Garyfalli, V., Mantas, A., Mantonakis, L., Smyrnis, N. E-Prevention: Advanced Support System for Monitoring and Relapse Prevention in Patients with Psychotic Disorders Analyzing Long-Term Multimodal Data from Wearables and Video Captures (2022) Sensors, 22 (19), art. no. 7544, .
- Vasileiou, M.V., Maglogiannis, I.G. The Health ChatBots in Telemedicine: Intelligent Dialog System for Remote Support (2022) Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2022, art. no. 4876512, .
- Kallipolitis, A., Revelos, K., Maglogiannis, I. Ensembling efficientnets for the classification and interpretation of histopathology images (2021) Algorithms, 14 (10), art. no. 278,
- Ntaios, G., Sagris, D., Kallipolitis, A., Karagkiozi, E., Korompoki, E., Manios, E., Plagianakos, V., Vemmos, K., Maglogiannis, I. Machine-Learning-Derived Model for the Stratification of Cardiovascular risk in Patients with Ischemic Stroke (2021) Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 30 (10), art. no. 106018
- Maglogiannis, I., Kontogianni, G., Papadodima, O., Karanikas, H., Billiris, A., Chatziioannou, A. An Integrated Platform for Skin Cancer Heterogenous and Multilayered Data Management (2021) Journal of Medical Systems, 45 (1), art. no. 10,
- Vecchio, M., Azzoni, P., Menychtas, A., Maglogiannis, I., Felfernig, A. A fully open-source approach to intelligent edge computing: Agile’s lesson (2021) Sensors (Switzerland), 21 (4), art. no. 1309, pp. 1-14.
- Kallipolitis, A., Galliakis, M., Menychtas, A., Maglogiannis, I. Affective analysis of patients in homecare video-assisted telemedicine using computational intelligence (2020) Neural Computing and Applications, 32 (23), pp. 17125-17136.
Kottari, K.N., Delibasis, K.K., Maglogiannis, I.G. Real-Time fall detection using uncalibrated fisheye cameras (2020) IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 12 (3), IEEE Press - Papadodima, O., Kontogianni, G., Piroti, G., Maglogiannis, I. & Chatziioannou, A., Genomics of Cutaneous Melanoma: Focus on Next-Generation Sequencing Approaches and Bioinformatics. J Transl Genet Genom 2019; 3:7
- Kiourtis, A. Mavrogiorgou, A. Menychtas, I. Maglogiannis, D. Kyriazis: Structurally Mapping Healthcare Data to HL7 FHIR through Ontology Alignment. J. Medical Systems 43(3): 62:1-62:13 (2019) Springer
- Kontogianni, G., Piroti, G., Maglogiannis, I., Chatziioannou, A., & Papadodima, O. (2018). Dissecting the Mutational Landscape of Cutaneous Melanoma: An Omic Analysis Based on Patients from Greece. Cancers, 10(4), 96 MDPI
- Panagopoulos, C.; Menychtas, A.; Tsanakas, P.; Maglogiannis, I. Increasing Usability of Homecare Applications for Older Adults: A Case Study. Designs MDPI 2019, 3, 23.
- Andrikos, G. Rassias, P. Tsanakas, I. Maglogiannis: An Enhanced Device-Transparent Real-Time Teleconsultation Environment for Radiologists. IEEE J. Biomedical and Health Informatics 23(1): 374-386 (2019)
- S. Georgakopoulos, K. Kottari, K. Delibasis, V. Plagianakos, I. Maglogiannis: Improving the performance of convolutional neural network for skin image classification using the response of image analysis filters. Neural Computing and Applications Springer 31(6): 1805-1822 (2019)
- S. Georgakopoulos, K. Kottari, K. Delibasis, V.P. Plagianakos, I. Maglogiannis, “Pose recognition using convolutional neural networks on omni-directional images”, Neurocomputing, Volume 280 2018, Pages 23-31 Elsevier
- Kiourtis, A. Mavrogiorgou, D. Kyriazis, I. Maglogiannis, M. Themistocleous: Exploring the complete data path for data interoperability in cyber-physical systems. International Journal of High-Performance Computing and Networking 12(4): 339-349 (2018)
- Mezari and I. Maglogiannis, “An Easily Customized Gesture Recognizer for Assisted Living Using Commodity Mobile Devices,” Journal of Healthcare Engineering, vol. 2018, Article ID 3180652, 12 pages, 2018.
- Kontogianni, O. Papadodima, A. Mitrakas, I. Maglogiannis, MI Koukourakis, A. Giatromanolaki, A. Chatziioannou, “An RNA-seq analysis from non-small cell lung cancer biopsies suggests an important role for aberrant alternative splicing in its pathophysiology” Health and Technology, v7, n.1, pp.133-140, 2017 Springer
- G. Fylaktopoulos, M. Skolarikis, I.Papadopoulos, G. Goumas, A. Sotiropoulos, I. Maglogiannis, “A distributed modular platform for the development of cloud based applications, Future Generation Computer Systems”, 2017, Elsevier
- K. K. Delibasis, T. Goudas, I. Maglogiannis, “A novel robust approach for handling illumination changes in video segmentation” Eng. Appl. of AI Elsevier 49: 43-60 (2016)
- I. Maglogiannis, C. Ioannou, P. Tsanakas, “Fall detection and activity identification using wearable and hand-held devices” Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering IOS Press 23(2): 161-172 (2016)
- K. Delibasis, S. Georgakopoulos, K.Kottari, V. Plagianakos, I. Maglogiannis, “Geodesically-corrected Zernike descriptors for pose recognition in omni-directional images” Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering IOS Press 23(2): 185-199 (2016)
- G. Fylaktopoulos, G. Goumas, M. Skolarikis, A. Sotiropoulos, I. Maglogiannis, “An overview of platforms for cloud based development” SpringerPlus Vol. 5 1, 38, Springer 2016
- A. Menychtas, P. Tsanakas, I. Maglogiannis “Automated integration of wireless biosignal collection devices for patient-centred decision-making in point-of-care systems” Healthcare Technology Letters pp. 34-40 2016 IET Digital Library
- P. L. K. Mantos, I. Maglogiannis: Sensitive Patient Data Hiding using a ROI Reversible Steganography Scheme for DICOM Images. J. Medical Systems 40(6): 156:1-156:17 (2016)
- I. Valavanis, I. Maglogiannis, A. Chatziioannou, “Exploring robust diagnostic signatures for Cutaneous Melanoma utilizing Genetic and Imaging Data” IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics JBHI 19 (1), 6849924, pp. 190-198 (2015)
- I. Maglogiannis, K. K. Delibasis, “Enhancing classification accuracy utilizing globules and dots features in digital dermoscopy”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Elsevier Vo. 118, Issue 2, Pages 124-133 (2015)
- I. Maglogiannis, S. Georgakopoulos, S.K. Tasoulis, V.P. Plagianakos, “A Software Tool for the Automatic Detection and Quantification of Fibrotic Tissues in Microscopy Images” Vol. 308, Pages 125-139 Information Sciences Elsevier (2015)
- T. Goudas, I. Maglogiannis “An Advanced Image Analysis Tool for the Quantification and Characterization of Breast Cancer in Microscopy Images” Journal of Medical Systems Springer Volume 39, Issue 3, 2015, 13p (2015)
- Iakovidis, D.K., Goudas, T., Smailis, C., Maglogiannis, I., Ratsnake: A versatile image annotation tool with application to computer-aided diagnosis (2014) The Scientific World Journal, 2014, art. no. 286856
- C. Doukas, N. Fotiou, G. C. Polyzos and I. Maglogiannis, “Cognitive and Context Aware Assistive Environments Using Future Internet Technologies” Universal Access in the Information Society UAIS, Springer 13 (1), pp. 59-72 (2014)
- I. Maglogiannis, F. Makedon, G. E. Pantziou, M. Betke: “Cognitive Systems for Assistive Environments” Universal Access in the Information Society UAIS, Springer 13 (1), pp. 1-4 (2014)
- I. Maglogiannis, C. Doukas, Intelligent health monitoring based on pervasive technologies and cloud computing (2014) International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 23 (3), art. no. 1460001
- I. Maglogiannis, M. Betke, F. Makedon, G. E. Pantziou, “Assistive Environments for the Disabled and the Senior Citizens – Theme Issue of PETRA 20010 and 2011 Conferences (Editorial)” 18 (1), pp. 1-3 (2014)
- C. Anagnostopoulos, S. Hadjiefthymiades, A. Katsikis and I. Maglogiannis, “Multivariate, Auto-regressive Context Forwarding Suppression in Wireless Sensor Networks for Healthcare” Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Springer 18 (1), pp. 101-114 (2014)
- K. Moutselos, I. Maglogiannis, A. Chatziioannou, “Integration of high-volume molecular and imaging data for composite biomarker discovery in the study of melanoma” (2014) BioMed Research International, Hidawi 2014, art. no. 145243
- E. C. Kyriacou, V.J. Promponas, I. Maglogiannis, C. Schizas, C. S. Pattichis: “Editorial: Intelligent Biomedical Systems”, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools World Scientific 23(3) (2014)
- K. K. Delibasis, V. P. Plagianakos, I. Maglogiannis, “Refinement of human silhouette segmentation in omni-directional indoor videos”, Computer Vision and Image Understanding Elsevier 128: 65-83 (2014)
- S. Tasoulis, V. Plagianakos and I. Maglogiannis, “Fractal analysis and fuzzy c-means clustering for quantification of fibrotic microscopy images, Artificial Intelligence Review Springer vol. 42, issue 3, pp. 313–329, (2014)
- Pardos, A., Tziomaka, M., Menychtas, A., Maglogiannis, I. Automated Posture Analysis for the Assessment of Sports Exercises (2022) art. no. 43, .
- Koulouris, D., Gallos, P., Menychtas, A., Maglogiannis, I. Exploiting Augmented Reality and Computer Vision for Healthcare Education: The Case of Pharmaceutical Substances Visualization and Information Retrieval (2022) 298, pp. 87-91.
- Gallos, P., Menychtas, A., Panagopoulos, C., Kaselimi, M., Rallis, I., Doulamis, A., Doulamis, N., Bimpas, M., Aggeli, A., Protopapadakis, E., Sardis, E., Maglogiannis, I. Pervasive Monitoring of Public Health and Well-Being in Urban Areas with Blue-Green Solutions (2022) 294, pp. 939-940.
- Pardos, A., Menychtas, A., Gallos, P., Panagopoulos, C., Maglogiannis, I. Gamification and Coaching in Remote Monitoring and Care Platforms (2022) 294, pp. 644-648.
- Kallipolitis, A., Tziomaka, M., Papadopoulos, D., Maglogiannis, I. Explainable computer vision analysis for embryo selection on blastocyst images (2022) .
- Koulouris, D., Pardos, A., Gallos, P., Menychtas, A., Maglogiannis, I. Integrating AR and IoT Services into mHealth Applications for Promoting Wellbeing (2022) 2022-October, pp. 148-153.
- Gallos, P., Menychtas, A., Panagopoulos, C., Protopapadakis, E., Doulamis, N., Doulamis, A., Sardis, E., Bimpas, M., Kaselimi, M., Maglogiannis, I. Designing a Cloud Based Platform for Monitoring Well-Being and Public Health in Areas with Natural Based Solutions (2022) 445 LNICST, pp. 95-102.
- Zannos, S., Nikitopoulos, D., Gryparis, V., Tzounis, L., Nikita, K., Maglogiannis, I., Tsanakas, P. Promoting Medication Adherence by Redesigning Medical Blisters – The Smartblister approach (2022).
- Panagopoulos, C., Menychtas, A., Jahaj, E., Vassiliou, A.G., Gallos, P., Dimopoulou, I., Kotanidou, A., Maglogiannis, I. Intelligent Pervasive Monitoring Solution of COVID-19 Patients (2022) 295, pp. 570-573.
- Gallos, P., Menychtas, A., Panagopoulos, C., Kaselimi, M., Temenos, A., Rallis, I., Doulamis, A., Doulamis, N., Bimpas, M., Aggeli, A., Protopapadakis, E., Sardis, E., Maglogiannis, I. Using mHealth Technologies to Promote Public Health and Well-Being in Urban Areas with Blue-Green Solutions (2022) 295, pp. 566-569.
- Moutselos, K., Maglogiannis, I. On the Reusability of ISIC Data for Training DL Classifiers Applied on Clinical Skin Images (2022) 652 IFIP, pp. 199-212.
- Karagiannis, D., Maglogiannis, I., Nikita, K.S., Tsanakas, P. Hardware/Software Co-Design of a Low-Power IoT Fall Detection Device (2022) 641 IFIP, pp. 146-159.
- Gallos, P., Menychtas, A., Panagopoulos, C., Bimpas, M., Maglogiannis, I. Quantifying Citizens’ Well-Being in Areas with Natural Based Solutions Using Mobile Computing (2022) 289, pp. 465-468.
- Pardos, A., Menychtas, A., Maglogiannis, I. Introducing Gamification in eHealth Platforms for Promoting Wellbeing (2022) 289, pp. 337-340.
- Koulouris, D., Menychtas, A., Maglogiannis, I. On the development of augmented reality based exergames for assessing human activity and cognition on mobile devices (2021) pp. 521-526.
- Mavrogiorgou, A., Kleftakis, S., Mavrogiorgos, K., Zafeiropoulos, N., Menychtas, A., Kiourtis, A., Maglogiannis, I., Kyriazis, D. BeHEALTHIER: A microservices platform for analyzing and exploiting healthcare data (2021) 2021-June, art. no. 9474741, pp. 283-288.
- Kallipolitis, A., Galliakis, M., Menychtas, A., Maglogiannis, I. Speech Based Affective Analysis of Patients Embedded in Telemedicine Platforms (2021) pp. 1857-1860.
- Tziomaka, M., Maglogiannis, I. Ensembles of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Detecting Melanoma in Dermoscopy Images (2021) 12876 LNAI, pp. 523-535.
- Tziomaka, M., Kallipolitis, A., Tsanakas, P., Maglogiannis, I. Evaluating Mental Patients Utilizing Video Analysis of Facial Expressions (2021) 628, pp. 182-193.
- Kleftakis, S., Mavrogiorgos, K., Zafeiropoulos, N., Mavrogiorgou, A., Kiourtis, A., Maglogiannis, I., Kyriazis, D. Analyzing Collective Knowledge Towards Public Health Policy Making (2021) 628, pp. 171-181.
- Kallipolitis, A., Stratigos, A., Zarras, A., Maglogiannis, I. Explainable fully connected visual words for the classification of skin cancer confocal images: Interpreting the influence of visual words in classifying benign vs malignant pattern (2020) art. no. 3411435, pp. 67-73.
- Mavrogiorgou, A., Kiourtis, A., Maglogiannis, I., Kyriazis, D., de Nigro, A., Blanes-Selva, V., García-Gómez, J.M., Menychtas, A., Sorić, M., Jurak, G., Luštrek, M., Gradišek, A., Kosmidis, T., Nifakos, S., Perakis, K., Miltiadou, D., Gallos, P. CrowdHEALTH: An e-Health big data driven platform towards public health policies (2020) pp. 235-243.
- Sarlis, S., Maglogiannis, I. On the reusability of sentiment analysis datasets in applications with dissimilar contexts (2020) 583 IFIP, pp. 409-418.
- Kyriazis, D., Biran, O., Bouras, T., Brisch, K., Duzha, A., del Hoyo, R., Kiourtis, A., Kranas, P., Maglogiannis, I., Manias, G., Meerkamp, M., Moutselos, K., Mavrogiorgou, A., Michael, P., Munné, R., La Rocca, G., Nasias, K., Pariente Lobo, T., Rodrigálvarez, V., Sgouros, N.M., Theodosiou, K., Tsanakas, P. PolicyCLOUD: Analytics as a service facilitating efficient data-driven public policy management (2020) 583 IFIP, pp. 141-150.
- Maglogiannis, I., Zlatintsi, A., Menychtas, A., Papadimatos, D., Filntisis, P.P., Efthymiou, N., Retsinas, G., Tsanakas, P., Maragos, P. An Intelligent Cloud-Based Platform for Effective Monitoring of Patients with Psychotic Disorders (2020) 584 IFIP, pp. 293-307.
- Pardos, A., Menychtas, A., Maglogiannis, I. Introducing an Edge-Native Deep Learning Platform for Exergames (2020) 584 IFIP, pp. 88-98.
- Kallipolitis, A., Stratigos, A., Zarras, A., Maglogiannis, I. Fully connected visual words for the classification of skin cancer confocal images (2020) 5, pp. 853-858.
- S. Tasoulis, G. Mallis, S. Georgakopoulos, A. Vrahatis, V. Plagianakos, Maglogiannis: Deep Learning and Change Detection for Fall Recognition. EANN 2019: 262-273
- P. Gallos, S. Aso, S. Autexier, A. Brotons, A. De Nigro, G. Jurak, A. Kiourtis, P. Kranas, D. Kyriazis, M. Lustrek, A. Magdalinou, I. Maglogiannis, J. Mantas, A. Martinez, A. Menychtas, L. Montandon, F. Picioroaga, M. Perez, D. Stanimirovic, G. Starc, T. Tomson, R. Vilar-Mateo, A. Vizitiu: CrowdHEALTH: Big Data Analytics and Holistic Health Records. EFMI-STC 2019: 255-256
- A. Kallipolitis, M. Galliakis, A. Menychtas, I. Maglogiannis: Emotion Analysis in Hospital Bedside Infotainment Platforms Using Speeded up Robust Features. AIAI 2019: 127-138
- A. Kallipolitis, I. Maglogiannis, “Creating Visual Vocabularies for the Retrieval and Classification of Histopathology Images”, In Proc of 41th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, EMBC19 Berlin, Germany 2019
- K. Moutselos, E. Berdouses, C. Oulis, I. Maglogiannis, “Recognizing Occlusal Caries in Dental Intraoral Images Using Deep Learning”, In Proc of 41th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, EMBC19 Berlin, Germany 2019
- A. Menychtas, M. Galliakis, P. Tsanakas, I. Maglogiannis, “Real-Time Integration of Emotion Analysis into Homecare Platforms”, In Proc of 41th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, EMBC19 Berlin, Germany 2019
- D. Kosmopoulos, A. Argyros, C. Theoharatos, V. Lambropoulou, C. Panagopoulos, I. Maglogiannis: The HealthSign Project: Vision and Objectives. PETRA 2018: 502-506
- K. Delibasis, I. Maglogiannis, Feature Extraction and Pattern Recognition from Fisheye Images in the Spatial Domain. VISIGRAPP (4: VISAPP) 2018: 460-465
- A. Kallipolitis, I. Maglogiannis: Content Based Image Retrieval in Digital Pathology Using Speeded Up Robust Features. AIAI 2018: 374-384
- K, Moutselos, D. Kyriazis, V. Diamantopoulou, Maglogiannis: Trustworthy data processing for health analytics tasks. IEEE BigData 2018: 3774-3779
- K. Delibasis, I. Maglogiannis, S. Georgakopoulos, K. Kottari, V. Plagianakos: Assessing Image Analysis Filters as Augmented Input to Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification. ICANN (1) 2018: 188-196
- K. Moutselos, E. Berdouses, C. Oulis, I. Maglogiannis: Superpixel-Based Classification of Occlusal Caries Photography. IEEE ICIP 2018: 1343-1347
- S. Erdeniz, I. Maglogiannis, A. Menychtas, A. Felfernig, T. Tran: Recommender Systems for IoT Enabled m-Health Applications. AIAI 2018: 227-237
- D. Chousiadas, A. Menychtas, P. Tsanakas, I. Maglogiannis: Advancing Quantified-Self Applications Utilizing Visual Data Analytics and the Internet of Things. AIAI 2018: 263-274
- K. Moutselos, D. Kyriazis, I. Maglogiannis: A Web Based Modular Environment for Assisting Health Policy Making Utilizing Big Data Analytics. IEEE 9th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA) 2018: 1-5
- I. Korres, A. Menychtas, P. Tsanakas, I. Maglogiannis: A low-cost IoT-based health monitoring platform enriched with social networking facilities. IEEE Percasive Computing 2018: 173-178
- C. Doukas, P. Tsanakas, I. Maglogiannis: A Versatile Architecture for Building IoT Quantified-Self Applications. CBMS 2017: 500-505
- Rassias, C. Andrikos, P. Tsanakas, I. Maglogiannis: Versatile Cloud Collaboration Services for Device-Transparent Medical Imaging Teleconsultations. CBMS 2017: 306-311
- A. Menychtas, D. Papadimatos, P. Tsanakas, I. Maglogiannis: On the Integration of Wearable Sensors in IoT Enabled mHealth and Quantified-self Applications. IMCL 2017: 77-88
- Mezari, Antigoni and Ilias G. Maglogiannis. “Gesture recognition using symbolic aggregate approximation and dynamic time warping on motion data.” IEEE PervasiveHealth (2017).
- S.V., Kottari, K., Delibasis, K., Plagianakos, V.P., Maglogiannis, I. Detection of malignant melanomas in dermoscopic images using convolutional neural network with transfer learning EANN 2017 Communications in Computer and Information Science, 744, pp. 404-414.
- G. Kontogianni, O. Papadodima, A Mitrakas, I. Maglogiannis, M. Koukourakis, A. Giatromanolaki, A. Chatziioannou, “Exploring the Molecular Determinants of Tumor-Stroma Interaction in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Through the Utilization of RNA-seq Data from Lung Biopsies” XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 489-493 2016 Springer International Publishing
- I. Maglogiannis, K. Delibasis, “Video Analytics for Activity Recognition in Indoor Environments Using Fisheye Cameras”, XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 1099-1104 2016 Springer International Publishing
- C. Aronis, K. Delibasis, M. Fanariotis, I. Maglogiannis, “A Tractography Algorithm for MR Diffusion Tensor Imaging Based on Minimum-Cost Path”, XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 302-307 2016 Springer International Publishing
- A. Kiourtis, A. Mavrogiorgou, D. Kyriazis, I. Maglogiannis, M. Themistocleous: Towards Data Interoperability: Turning Domain Specific Knowledge to Agnostic across the Data Lifecycle. AINA Workshops 2016: 109-114
- G. Kontogianni, O. Papadodima, I. Maglogiannis, K. Frangia-Tsivou, A. Chatziioannou: Integrative Bioinformatic Analysis of a Greek Epidemiological Cohort Provides Insight into the Pathogenesis of Primary Cutaneous Melanoma. AIAI 2016: 39-52
- S. V. Georgakopoulos, K.Kottari, K. Delibasis, V. P. Plagianakos, I. Maglogiannis: Convolutional Neural Networks for Pose Recognition in Binary Omni-directional Images. AIAI 2016: 106-116
- K.K. Delibasis, I. Maglogiannis, V. Plagianakos: Silhouette labeling and tracking in calibrated omnidirectional video sequences PETRA 2016:79:1-79:4
- G. Petichakis, A. Chatzigeorghiou, N. Louros, K. Nastou, S. Hamodrakas, I. Maglogiannis, V. Iconomidou Detection of highly divergent tandem repeats in protein sequences, Joint Conference of the Hellenic Crystallographic Association and the Hellenic Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (HECRA-HSCBB16), Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece
- I. Valavanis, T. Goudas, M. Michailidou, I. Maglogiannis, H. Loutrari, A. Chatziioannou: A Novel Image Analysis Methodology for the Evaluation of Angiogenesis in Matrigel Assays and Screening of Angiogenesis-Modulating Compounds. AIAI 2015:61-71
- K. Delibasis, K. Kottari, I. Maglogiannis Automated Detection of Streaks in Dermoscopy Images. AIAI 2015: 45-60
- SV. Georgakopoulos, SK. Tasoulis, I. Maglogiannis, VP. Plagianakos: On-Line Fall Detection via Mobile Accelerometer Data. AIAI 2015:103-112
- C. Panagopoulos, E. Kalatha, P. Tsanakas, I. Maglogiannis: Evaluation of a Mobile Home Care Platform – Lessons Learned and Practical Guidelines. AmI 2015:328-343
- I. Maglogiannis, T. Goudas, A. Billiris, H. Karanikas, I. Valavanis, O. Papadodima, G. Kontogianni, A. Chatziioannou: Redesigning EHRs and Clinical Decision Support Systems for the Precision Medicine Era. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (INNS) (p. 14). ACM.
- K.K. Delibasis, T. Goudas, I. Maglogiannis: A novel hybrid approach for human silhouette segmentation. PETRA 2015:79:1-79:4
- D. I. Kosmopoulos, I. Maglogiannis: Joint segmentation and classification of actions using a conditional random field. PETRA 2015:83:1-83:4
- Andrikos C., Rassias G., Tsanakas P., Maglogiannis I., “Real-Time Medical Collaboration Services over the Web” 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2015 pp 1393-1396
- I. Maglogiannis, K. Delibasis, “Hair removal on dermoscopy images”, 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2015 pp 2960-2963
- Mourouzis A, Themistocleous M, Maglogiannis I, Chouvarda I, Maglaveras N, “PinCloud: Effective Personalization and Self-management of Health Data and Care Services 6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering 707-710 Springer 2015
- I. Maglogiannis, C. Panagopoulos, G. Spyroglou, P. Tsanakas, “Mobile Reminder System for Furthering Patient Adherence Utilizing Commodity Smartwatch and Android devices” 4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare MOBIHEALTH 2014
- I. Maglogiannis, V. Pigadas, V.P. Plagianakos, “Cloud Based Audio and Video Communication in Personal Health Systems: Voip and Webrtc” In Proc. European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems 2014 (EMCIS2014) October 27th – 28th 2014, Doha, Qatar
- Kosmopoulos, D Maglogiannis, I., “Multicamera Fusion for online Analysis of structured Processes” Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments PETRA 2014 Rhodes Greece
- K. Delibasis, V. Plagianakos, I. Maglogiannis, “Pose Recognition in Indoor Environments using a Fisheye Camera and a Parametric Human Model” In Proc VISAPP 2014 Lisbon Portugal
- G. Fourlas and I. Maglogiannis, “Human Movement Detection using Attitude and Heading Reference System” Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments PETRA 2014 Rhodes Greece
- I. Maglogiannis, “Human Centered Computing for the Development of Assistive Environments: The STHENOS project”, Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments PETRA 2014 Rhodes Greece
- Maglogiannis, I., Delibasis, K., Kosmopoulos, D., Goudas, T., Doukas, C. Activity recognition in assistive environments: The STHENOS approach (2014) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8515 LNCS (PART 3), pp. 525-536
- Andrikos, C., Maglogiannis, I., Bilalis, E., Spyroglou, G., Tsanakas, P. An intelligent platform for hosting medical collaborative services (2014) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8445 LNCS, pp. 354-359
- A. Mourouzis, M. Themistocleous, I. Maglogiannis, I. Chouvarda, N. Maglaveras (2015). PinCloud: Effective Personalization and Self-management of Health Data and Care Services. In I. Lacković and D. Vasic (Eds.), IFMBE Proceedings of the 6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (MBEC 2014), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 7-11 September, Volume 45, pp 707-710. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11128-5_176
- I. Maglogiannis, C. Ioannou, G. Spyroglou, P. Tsanakas: Fall Detection Using Commodity Smart Watch and Smart Phone. In Proc AIAI 2014: 70-78
- K.K. Delibasis, S.V. Georgakopoulos, V. P. Plagianakos, I. Maglogiannis: Calculation of Complex Zernike Moments with Geodesic Correction for Pose Recognition in Omni-directional Images. In Proc AIAI 2014: 375-384
- K. Kottari, K. Delibasis, V. P. Plagianakos, I. Maglogiannis: Fish-Eye Camera Video Processing and Trajectory Estimation Using 3D Human Models. In Proc AIAI 2014: 385-394
- Stavrianos, P., Pavlopoulos, A., Maglogiannis, I. Enabling Speech Emotional Intelligence as a Service in Homecare Platforms Pervasive Healthcare A Compendium of Critical Factors for Success (2022) Springer, pp. 119-144.
- Menychtas, A., Tsanakas, P., Maglogiannis, I. Knowledge Discovery on IoT-Enabled mHealth Applications (2020) In: Vlamos, P. (eds) GeNeDis 2018. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Springer, Cham.1194, pp. 181-191.
- Delibasis, Κ., Aronis, C., Fanariotis, M., Maglogiannis, I. Novel Cost Function Definition for Minimum-Cost Tractography in MR Diffusion Tensor Imaging (2020) In: Vlamos, P. (eds) GeNeDis 2018. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Springer, Cham.1194, pp. 135-150.
- Nastou, K.C., Karataraki, E.G., Papandreou, N.C., Rerra, A.-I.G., Grimanelli, V.P., Maglogiannis, I., Hamodrakas, S.J., Iconomidou, V.A. ANTISOMA: A Computational Pipeline for the Reduction of the Aggregation Propensity of Monoclonal Antibodies(2020) In: Vlamos, P. (eds) GeNeDis 2018. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Springer, Cham.1194 pp. 359-371.
- Vrahatis, A.G., Tasoulis, S.K., Maglogiannis, I., Plagianakos, V.P. In: Maglogiannis, I., Brahnam, S., Jain, L. (eds) Advanced Computational Intelligence in Healthcare-7. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 891. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Recent machine learning approaches for single-cell RNA-seq data analysis (2020) In: Maglogiannis, I., Brahnam, S., Jain, L. (eds) Advanced Computational Intelligence in Healthcare-7. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 891. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 65-79.
- Kalogirou, I.P., Kallipolitis, A., Maglogiannis, I. Passive emotion recognition using smartphone sensing data (2020) In: Maglogiannis, I., Brahnam, S., Jain, L. (eds) Advanced Computational Intelligence in Healthcare-7. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 891. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 17-28.
- Kontogianni, G., Maglogiannis, I. A review on state-of-the-art computer-based approaches for the early recognition of malignant melanoma (2020) In: Maglogiannis, I., Brahnam, S., Jain, L. (eds) Advanced Computational Intelligence in Healthcare-7. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 891. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 81-101.
- Kyriazis, D., Autexier, S., Brondino, I., Boniface, M., Donat, L., Engen, V., Fernandez, R., Jimenez-Peris, R., Jordan, B., Jurak, G., Kiourtis, A., Kosmidis, T., Lustrek, M., Maglogiannis, I., Mantas, J., Martinez, A., Mavrogiorgou, A., Menychtas, A., Montandon, L., Nechifor, C.-S., Nifakos, S., Papageorgiou, A., Patino-Martinez, M., Perez, M., Plagianakos, V., Stanimirovic, D., Starc, G., Tomson, T., Torelli, F., Traver-Salcedo, V., Vassilacopoulos, G., Wajid, U. CrowdHEALTH: Holistic health records and big data analytics for health policy making and personalized health (2017) Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 238, pp. 19-23.
- K. Jeferry, G. Kousiouris, D. Kyriazis, J. Altmann, A. Ciuffoletti, I. Maglogiannis, P. Nesi, B. Suzic, Z. Zhao, “Challenges Emerging from Future Cloud Application Scenarios, Procedia Computer Science Vol, 68, 227-237 2015 Elsevier
- G. Fylaktopoulos, G. Goumas, M. Skolarikis, A. Sotiropoulos, I. Maglogiannis, “CIRANO: An Integrated Programming Environment for Multi-tier Cloud Based Applications” Procedia Computer Science Vol. 68 pp. 42-52 2015 Elsevier
- C. Doukas, P. Stagkopoulos, I. Maglogiannis, “Skin lesions Image Analysis Utilizing Smart Phones and Cloud Platforms”, Mobile Health Technologies Methods and Protocols Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 1256 Rasooly, Avraham, Herold, Keith (Eds.) Springer 2015
- Harilaos G. Sandalidis and Ilias Maglogiannis, “Channel Models for On-Body Communications” Wearable Sensors: fundamentals, implementation and applications Wearable Sensors: Fundamentals, Implementation and Applications edited by Edward Sazonov, Michael R Neuman Elsevier 2014
- I. Maglogiannis, E. Kalatha and E. A. Paraskevopoulou-Kollia, “An Overview of Affective Computing from the Physiology and Biomedical Perspective: An Overview of Affective Computing from the Physiology and Biomedical Perspective Semantic Multimedia Analysis and Processing” Pages 367–395 CRC Press 2014
- M. Salama, O. Soliman, I. Maglogiannis, A. Hassanien, “Rough Set-Based Identification of Heart Valve Diseases Using Heart Sounds” Aly A. Fahmy A. Skowron and Z. Suraj (Eds.): Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems, ISRL 43, pp. 475–491 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
Ilias Maglogiannis, Sheryl Brahnam, Lakhmi C. Jain, Advanced Computational Intelligence in Healthcare-7 Biomedical Informatics, Springer, 2020, 161, ISBN: 978-3-662-61112-8
Lazaros S. Iliadis, Ilias Maglogiannis, Harris Papadopoulos, Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, Springer, 2012, 520, ISBN:978-3642334085
Ilias Maglogiannis, Vassilis Plagianakos, Ioannis Vlahavas, Artificial Intelligence: Theories, Models and Applications, Springer, 2012, 399, ISBN:978-3642304477
Ilias Maglogiannis, Vassilis Plagianakos, Ioannis Vlahavas, Engineering Societies in the Agents World VIII, Springer, 2008, 351, ISBN:978-3-540-87653-3
I. Maglogiannis, K. Karpouzis, M. Wallace and J. Soldatos, Emerging Artificial Intelligence Applications in Computer Engineering, Volume 160 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2007, 408, ISBN:978-1-58603-780-2
I. Maglogiannis, K. Karpouzis, M. Wallace, Image and Signal Processing for Networked eHealth Applications, Μοrgan & Claypool Publishers, 2006, 120, ISBN:978-1598290363
Monday 12.00 -14.00